‘SELLER’ herein means Schaefer Brush. ‘BUYER’ herein means any person, party, association, firm, limited company, Corporation, etc., who make an offer to the Seller to purchase the products.
Order of Goods:
A minimum order of $200.00 is required for all standard items for all customers. Low demand and custom products may require a minimum order quantity. All orders placed by the Buyer shall be in writing and subject to the Seller’s acceptance. An Invoice will be sent to the Buyer against the order placed and goods supplied in terms of the said order. The Seller shall however be at the liberty to accept or refuse any order in full or part without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
Specifying pricing, Schaefer Brush part numbers, and preferred shipping method helps ensure efficiency, eliminate errors, and keeps processing and shipping orders timely. Purchase Orders with incorrect pricing or missing part numbers can delay order processing. Purchase orders should be sent to for the fastest service.
All orders will be filled in standard package quantities or multiples therof. Pack quantities noted must be met.
Quality of Goods:
The goods supplied shall be as per the specifications/quality prescribed by the Seller.
Custom Items:
Orders for custom items are non-returnable and cannot be cancelled. A 50% down payment is required for all custom orders. Materials will not be purchased, and manufacturing will not begin until the 50% payment is received.
Price prevailing on the date of order shall be applicable irrespective of the purchase order/delivery order/contract/advance payment for the supplies that have been accepted issued. The Seller reserves the right to revise the price without any advance, further notice to the Buyer or without assigning any reason therefore.
Standard terms are Net 30 days to pre-approved accounts. All custom items have a required 50% down payment before materials are ordered or manufacturing begins.
We accept ACH, Check or Credit Card. All credit card shipments will be charged a 3.5% processing fee. Debit cards do not incur a fee. We accept MasterCard or Visa. Any customer issuing a NSF check will be placed on Credit Card Only status and will be required to pay a $25.00 NSF check charge.
Full Yield Ship Policy:
Schaefer Brush reserves the right to ship +/- 10% on all Custom, Non-Standard Items. A minimum order quantity (MOQ) may apply.
A credit application will be processed at the request of the applicant for a line of credit with Schaefer Brush. A completed application is mandatory, including authorization by signature where requested. Opening a line of credit will be dependent upon several factors determined by Schaefer Brush. A line of credit may be issued, increased, decreased, or closed at any time deemed necessary by Schaefer Brush.
It is understood that the buyer agrees to pay for purchases within the time frame as set forth by Schaefer Brush. Current policy states that all purchases will be paid for according to the terms as stated on our invoice. The buyer also agrees that in the event of nonpayment, it will pay the highest legal rate of interest allowed on all past due balances. Buyer is aware, Schaefer Brush may install a 1% monthly service charge on all past due accounts and agrees to pay the same. In the event of non-payment and collection is required, the buyer agrees it will pay for all costs and expenses incurred in collecting all unpaid indebtedness including all reasonable attorney’s fees.
Orders accepted by Schaefer Brush are not subject to changes, cancellation, or suspension, except by mutual agreement. Cancellations will not be accepted on custom, non-standard and blanket purchase orders and are non-returnable.
All products are shipped FOB Waukesha, WI. The Seller’s confirmed shipping date is the expected ship date. Seller prefers to ship against the Buyer’s collect accounts with their shipping provider of choice. However, freight may be prepaid by Seller and added to Buyer’s invoice. Pay-in-advance customers may be required to provide a collect account number or credit card to process freight charges.
Expedite Request:
Schaefer Brush will consider all expedite requests. A review will be completed, and an answer will be communicated to the customer within 2 business days. A expedite fee of up to 25% of the product cost may apply.
Applicable Taxes:
Any taxes or Duties levied by Central, State, Local or any other authority now in force or hereafter be imposed on the sale, transportation or Supply/delivery of the goods shall be directly paid by the Buyer or if directly paid by the Seller, reimbursed to the Seller by the Buyer.
Delivery Terms:
The Buyer will, in every case examine the goods on taking delivery and thereafter will have no claim again at the Company on account of damage to the goods, shortage of weight or as to the nature of quality of the goods or any matter whatsoever.
All delivery claims must be made within 10 business days for receipt of goods. Deductions from remittances will not be allowed unless authorized by Schaefer Brush in writing. All claims for merchandise lost or damaged in transit must be made to the common carrier. DO NOT ACCEPT GOODS DAMAGED IN TRANSIT. In the event that a shipment is lost, Schaefer Brush will work with the carrier if not sent on customers collect freight number.
No merchandise will be accepted for return or credit without a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number and packing slip. Seller will not accept returned goods purchased as customs, non-stocks, closeouts or 90 days after buyer’s receipt of goods. Returns of a non-quality nature are subject to a restocking fee and must be agreed upon by Seller. Products must be returned within 365 days of ship date and 30 days of RMA date. All returns will either be replaced with the same product or a credit will be placed on the customer’s account for an amount equal to that of the returned product. Shipping charges will be credited to the customer’s account if a replacement is not made.”
Restocking Fees as Follows:
0-90 Days 15% Restocking Fee
91-180 Days 30 % Restocking Fee
181-365 Days 50% Restocking Fee